Jane Brook

Experienced clinical social worker for Wellington & Wairarapa


With a career spanning over 25 years, Jane is a highly qualified social service professional.


Born in Adelaide, South Australia she travelled far during her early life. When Jane was five, her parents relocated themselves and their three children to Tanzania, East Africa. Five years later the family moved again to the United States. She now resides in Wellington, New Zealand.

Jane’s diverse experience growing up has guided her during her career to develop culturally sensitive services. She has been involved in direct social work practice dealing with most individual and social family issues with every population group. Along with this experience she has worked managing social service organizations and training new social workers and professionals working with trauma in the field.

Jane has lectured at Massey University and Whitireia Polytech, and was the National Manager of the Te Wānanga o Aotearoa social work programme.


  • MSW(Hons.)


  • Registered Social Worker

  • Post-Graduate Certificate in Adult Learning


Professional Supervision

Supporting expert social service practice.


Support for change, loss, grief, and personal development.

Work with Children

Specific services addressing issues with children.

Long Distance

Providing professional services anywhere in the world.


I’ve experienced enormous personal growth and understanding from Jane’s guidance and wisdom with Supervision.

The insights we have mined have added to my emotional toolkit, giving me the courage to make a change and take care of myself in my workplace and personal life.
— Damara
Arohanui for your manaakitanga 😊
— Nga
Thanks so much for the sessions you did with us, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into our team, how you have a great sense of who we are and tailor this as you build a secure sense of nurture around us.
— L
Thank you so much for supervising me throughout my placement, and for also guiding and helping me achieve all of learning goals.
— Louisa
Top work Jane, a thousand thanks. Thank you for changing my life
— S

Get in touch

You can contact Jane by filling out the form below, or phoning +64 21 025 85909. Alternative, you can email me@janebrook.co.nz 


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